Can I Add An Electric Starter To A Manual Start Snow Blower?

Transform your manual start snow blower into a more convenient powerhouse with the addition of an electric starter. Imagine effortlessly starting your machine with just the push of a button, eliminating the need for strenuous pull starts in freezing temperatures. In this article, we explore the feasibility of equipping your manual start snow blower with an electric starter and uncover the benefits and considerations that come with this upgrade. Discover how this simple modification can enhance your snow-clearing experience and make those chilly winter mornings a breeze.

Advantages of adding an electric starter

Ease of Use

Adding an electric starter to a manual start snow blower comes with several advantages. One of the biggest advantages is the ease of use it provides. Instead of having to tirelessly pull the recoil cord to start the snow blower, you can simply press a button or turn a key to start the engine. This eliminates the physical exertion that can be required with manual starting, especially in cold weather conditions. With an electric starter, starting your snow blower becomes a hassle-free task, saving both time and effort.


In addition to providing ease of use, an electric starter also offers convenience. Manual starting can be particularly challenging for individuals with physical limitations, such as those with arthritis or injuries. By adding an electric starter, you eliminate the need for excessive force or repetitive motions that can strain muscles and joints. Moreover, an electric starter allows for easy starting even when wearing gloves, preventing the discomfort of removing gloves and exposing your hands to the cold.


Another advantage of adding an electric starter is the increased reliability it offers. Manual starting can sometimes be unpredictable, with the engine occasionally being difficult to start or needing multiple attempts before it finally fires up. With an electric starter, the starting process becomes more consistent and reliable. Additionally, an electric starter eliminates the risk of flooding the engine by pulling the recoil cord too many times. By providing controlled and consistent ignition, an electric starter enhances the overall dependability of your snow blower.

Considerations before adding an electric starter


Before you rush to add an electric starter to your manual start snow blower, it’s crucial to ensure compatibility. Not all snow blowers are designed to accommodate an electric starter, so you need to check whether your specific model is compatible. Consult the manufacturer’s manual or reach out to the manufacturer directly for information on whether an electric starter can be added to your snow blower. Checking compatibility ahead of time will save you from disappointment and potential damage to your equipment.

Power Source

Adding an electric starter requires a power source to operate. Most electric starters are powered by electricity, either from a standard household outlet or a battery pack. Consider the availability of a power source near your snow blower before deciding to add an electric starter. If an outlet is in close proximity, using an electric starter powered by an outlet might be the most convenient option. On the other hand, if you prefer more flexibility or your snow blower is situated away from an outlet, a battery-powered electric starter may be the better choice.

Installation Process

The installation process is another significant consideration before adding an electric starter to your snow blower. While it can be a rewarding DIY project, it does require some mechanical aptitude and a basic understanding of your snow blower’s engine. Ensure you have the necessary tools and equipment, and carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions before attempting installation. If you’re not comfortable with mechanical tasks, it’s advisable to hire a professional to ensure the proper installation of the electric starter.

Steps to add an electric starter to a manual start snow blower

Gather the Required Equipment

To begin the process of adding an electric starter, gather all the necessary equipment. This typically includes the electric starter kit, which contains the starter motor, mounting bracket, wiring, and any additional components. Ensure you have the correct kit for your snow blower model, as compatibility is crucial for a successful installation. Additionally, gather standard tools such as screwdrivers, wrenches, and pliers that may be required for the installation process.

Read the Manufacturer’s Manual

Before proceeding with the installation, thoroughly read the manufacturer’s manual for your snow blower. The manual will provide specific instructions and guidelines for adding an electric starter to your particular model. Familiarize yourself with the recommended procedures, safety precautions, and any specific considerations for your snow blower. This step is essential for a smooth and successful installation.

Obtain an Electric Starter Kit

Once you have gathered the necessary tools and read the manufacturer’s manual, it’s time to obtain an electric starter kit. Purchase a kit that is specifically designed for your snow blower model, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance. Electric starter kits can usually be found at authorized dealerships, online retailers, or directly from the manufacturer. Double-check that the kit includes all the components needed for installation.

Prepare the Snow Blower

Before installing the electric starter, it’s important to properly prepare the snow blower. Ensure the engine is turned off and allow it to cool down completely. Locate the recoil starter assembly and remove it, as it will be replaced by the electric starter. Follow the specific instructions provided in your snow blower’s manual to safely remove the recoil starter assembly.

Mount the Starter Motor

Once the recoil starter assembly is removed, proceed to mount the starter motor. The electric starter kit should come with a mounting bracket designed to fit your snow blower model. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to position the mounting bracket securely. Place the starter motor on the mounting bracket and ensure it is properly aligned and tightened according to the provided guidelines.

Connect the Wiring

After mounting the starter motor, it’s time to connect the wiring. The electric starter kit should include the necessary wiring harnesses and connectors. Carefully connect the wiring according to the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring a secure and proper connection. Take particular care to connect the correct wires to the corresponding terminals, as incorrect connections can lead to malfunctions or damage to the starter motor.

Test the Electric Starter

Once the wiring is connected, it’s important to test the electric starter before using it in actual snow-clearing conditions. Double-check all connections and ensure that the engine is in neutral. Press the starter button or turn the key to start the engine using the electric starter. If the engine starts smoothly and the electric starter performs as expected, congratulations on a successful installation! However, if you encounter any issues or the engine fails to start, refer back to the manufacturer’s instructions or consider consulting a professional for assistance.

Alternative options to consider

Using a Corded Electric Snow Blower

If the process of adding an electric starter seems overwhelming or if an electric starter is not compatible with your snow blower model, an alternative option to consider is using a corded electric snow blower. Corded electric snow blowers are designed with built-in electric starters, eliminating the need for manual starting. These snow blowers are powered by electricity and typically come with extension cords for connecting to a power source. While they may have some limitations in terms of mobility, corded electric snow blowers provide a convenient and hassle-free option for snow removal.

Upgrading to A New Snow Blower

Alternatively, if adding an electric starter to your manual start snow blower is not a feasible option or if you prefer a more advanced and feature-rich machine, upgrading to a new snow blower is worth considering. Modern snow blowers often come equipped with electric starters as a standard feature, along with other enhancements such as advanced engine technology, adjustable clearing heights, and additional accessories. Upgrading to a new snow blower not only eliminates the need for retrofitting, but it also ensures access to the latest features and improved performance for more efficient snow clearing.

In conclusion, adding an electric starter to a manual start snow blower can greatly enhance the user experience by providing ease of use, convenience, and increased reliability. However, it is essential to consider factors such as compatibility, power source availability, and the installation process before making the decision. Following the outlined steps and considering alternative options, such as corded electric snow blowers or upgrading to a new machine, will help you determine the best course of action for your snow-clearing needs. Whether you choose to retrofit your snow blower or explore alternative options, a properly functioning electric starter can make snow removal a much more enjoyable and efficient task.