Creating A DIY Snow Blower Snow Fence: Snow Drift Control

Imagine a winter wonderland, blanketed in a pristine layer of freshly fallen snow. As enchanting as this image may be, it can quickly turn into a winter nightmare when snow drifts begin to accumulate and block our paths. Luckily, there is a creative solution that can save us from the frustration of shoveling for hours on end or struggling through deep snowdrifts. Introducing the DIY Snow Blower Snow Fence – a simple yet effective way to control snow drifts and keep our roads, driveways, and walkways clear. In this article, we will explore how to create this snow drift control system using just a few materials and some innovative thinking. Get ready to conquer those snowdrifts and reclaim your winter wonderland!

Planning and Preparation

When it comes to creating a DIY snow blower snow fence for snow drift control, thorough planning and preparation are essential. By taking the time to assess the area, determine the fence length, choose the right materials, and gather the necessary tools and equipment, we can ensure a successful and efficient project.

Assessing the Area

Before building a snow fence, it is crucial to assess the area where the fence will be installed. Consider the prevailing wind direction, the layout of the property, and any obstacles that may affect snow accumulation. By understanding the unique characteristics of the location, we can strategically position the snow fence for optimal performance.

Determining Fence Length

The next step in the planning process is determining the appropriate length of the snow fence. Measure the area that needs snow drift control, taking into account the desired height and width of the fence. A general rule of thumb is to install a snow fence that is four times the height of the expected snow drift. By accurately calculating the required length, we can ensure effective snow drift control.

Choosing the Right Materials

Selecting the right materials for our DIY snow blower snow fence is crucial to its effectiveness and durability. Common options include wooden slats, plastic snow fencing, and wire mesh. Consider the climate, budget, and desired aesthetics when choosing the materials for the fence. Additionally, opt for materials that are resistant to the harsh conditions of winter and can withstand strong winds.

Gathering the Tools and Equipment

To build a snow blower snow fence, we need to gather the necessary tools and equipment. This typically includes items such as a measuring tape, post hole digger, level, shovel, hammer, fence panels, posts, and fasteners. Ensuring we have all the required tools and equipment before starting the project will streamline the construction process and prevent unnecessary delays.

Building the Snow Fence

With the planning and preparation phase complete, it’s time to move on to building the snow fence. This section will guide us through the steps of marking the fence line, digging fence post holes, installing the fence posts, and attaching the fence panels.

Marking the Fence Line

Begin by marking the path where the snow fence will be installed. Use stakes and a string to create a straight line along the intended fence route. This will serve as a guide for digging the post holes and ensuring the fence is properly aligned.

Digging Fence Post Holes

Using a post hole digger, carefully dig holes along the marked fence line. The depth and spacing of the holes will depend on the type of fence being installed. Generally, the holes should be deep enough to secure the fence posts and spaced according to the recommended guidelines for the chosen fence material.

Installing the Fence Posts

Once the post holes are dug, it’s time to install the fence posts. Place the posts in each hole, making sure they are level and securely positioned. Use a level to ensure the posts are straight, and fill the holes with concrete or gravel for added stability. Allow the concrete to dry before moving on to the next step.

Attaching the Fence Panels

Once the posts are set and secure, it’s time to attach the fence panels. Depending on the chosen material, this may involve using screws, nails, or other fasteners. Carefully align and attach the panels to the fence posts, ensuring a sturdy and uniform fence. Take extra care to overlap the panels to minimize the gaps that could allow snow to pass through.

Protecting the Snow Blower

In addition to controlling snow drift, it is important to protect our snow blower from potential damage caused by snow accumulation. This section will cover measures to take in order to protect the snow blower and ensure its optimal performance.

Placing a Protective Barrier

One effective way to protect the snow blower is to place a protective barrier between the blower and the snow drift. This can be achieved by installing a second snow fence, positioned a few feet away from the primary snow drift control fence. The secondary fence will act as a barrier, preventing excessive snow buildup and reducing the risk of damage to the snow blower.

Clearing the Path for Blowing

Before operating the snow blower, it is important to clear any obstacles in its path. Remove any large rocks, branches, or debris that may obstruct the blower’s functionality. By ensuring a clear path, we can prevent unnecessary strain on the equipment and improve its efficiency.

Securing the Blower in Place

To further protect the snow blower, it is advisable to secure it in place with straps or bungee cords. This will prevent the blower from shifting or tipping over due to strong winds or heavy snow loads. By securing the blower, we can minimize the risk of damage and ensure safe and reliable operation.

Enhancing the Snow Fence

While a basic snow fence provides effective snow drift control, there are additional measures we can take to enhance its performance. This section will explore the benefits of adding windbreaks, incorporating reflective materials, and creating a double fence system.

Adding Windbreaks

To further reduce snow accumulation and increase the effectiveness of the snow fence, consider adding additional windbreaks. These can be constructed using sturdy materials, such as wooden slats or mesh panels, placed strategically around the snow fence. Windbreaks help redirect and disperse wind, minimizing the formation of snow drifts.

Incorporating Reflective Materials

By incorporating reflective materials into the snow fence, we can enhance its visibility and overall effectiveness. Attach reflective tape or markers to the fence panels, making it easier to locate and navigate during heavy snowfall or low visibility conditions. The reflective elements will also improve safety by alerting both pedestrians and snowplow operators to the presence of the snow fence.

Creating a Double Fence System

For areas with particularly high snowfall or strong winds, consider implementing a double fence system. This involves installing two parallel snow fences with a gap between them. The first fence acts as the primary snow drift control barrier, while the second fence provides an additional layer of protection. The gap between the fences creates a wind buffer zone, reducing the speed and intensity of the wind, consequently minimizing snow accumulation.

Snow Fence Maintenance

To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the snow fence, regular maintenance is necessary. This section will discuss the importance of inspecting and repairing the fence and provide tips for cleaning and storing the fence during the off-season.

Inspecting and Repairing the Fence

Regular inspections of the snow fence are crucial to identify any damage or wear and tear. Check for loose panels, damaged posts, or signs of deterioration and promptly address any issues. Repair or replace damaged sections of the fence to maintain its structural integrity and maximize its snow drift control capabilities.

Cleaning and Storing the Fence During Off-Season

Once the winter season is over, it is important to clean and store the snow fence properly. Remove any debris, such as leaves or snow buildup, from the fence panels. This will prevent moisture accumulation and potential damage. Store the fence in a dry and protected area to avoid exposure to harsh weather conditions, which could cause premature deterioration.

Safety Precautions

When embarking on the construction and maintenance of a DIY snow blower snow fence, safety should always be a top priority. This section will outline important safety precautions, including wearing protective gear, ensuring the proper use of tools, and preventing accidental injuries.

Wearing Protective Gear

Before starting any construction or maintenance tasks, it is crucial to wear appropriate protective gear. This includes safety goggles, gloves, and sturdy footwear. Protective gear will help prevent potential injuries from flying debris, sharp tools, or accidental falls while working on the snow fence.

Ensuring Proper Use of Tools

Using tools correctly and safely is essential to prevent accidents or injuries. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for each tool and ensure proper training if unfamiliar with specific equipment. Handle tools with care, keep them in good working condition, and always store them safely when not in use.

Preventing Accidental Injuries

When working on the snow fence, be mindful of your surroundings and take steps to prevent accidental injuries. This includes maintaining a clear workspace, removing tripping hazards, and securing ladders or scaffolding properly. Adhere to safe work practices and communicate with others involved in the project to minimize the risk of accidents.

Benefits of DIY Snow Blower Snow Fence

Creating a DIY snow blower snow fence offers several benefits beyond snow drift control. This section will highlight the cost savings, increased efficiency, and reduced snow accumulation associated with this approach.

Cost Savings

Building a DIY snow blower snow fence can result in significant cost savings compared to hiring professionals or purchasing pre-made snow fencing solutions. By sourcing materials and completing the installation ourselves, we can reduce labor and material costs, ultimately saving money.

Increased Efficiency

A properly designed and constructed snow blower snow fence can greatly improve the efficiency of snow removal. By preventing the excessive accumulation of snow, the snow blower can operate more effectively and complete the snow removal process in a shorter amount of time.

Reduced Snow Accumulation

The primary goal of a snow blower snow fence is to control snow drifts, minimizing the accumulation of snow in certain areas. By strategically positioning the fence, incorporating windbreaks, and implementing a double fence system, we can reduce the amount of snow that needs to be cleared, saving time, effort, and resources.

Environmental Considerations

When creating a DIY snow blower snow fence, it is important to consider the environmental impact of our actions. This section will discuss choosing sustainable materials, minimizing environmental impact, and accounting for wildlife habitat.

Choosing Sustainable Materials

When selecting materials for the snow fence, opt for sustainable options whenever possible. Choose materials that are renewable, recyclable, or have a low carbon footprint. This ensures that the construction and maintenance of the snow fence have minimal negative impact on the environment.

Minimizing Environmental Impact

During the construction and maintenance process, take steps to minimize the overall environmental impact. Avoid excessive excavation or disturbance of the natural landscape. Properly dispose of any waste materials and recycle whenever possible. By being mindful of our actions, we can minimize negative environmental consequences.

Accounting for Wildlife Habitat

When installing a snow blower snow fence, consider the impact on local wildlife habitat. Ensure the fence does not disrupt established wildlife corridors or nesting areas. In sensitive areas, consult with local wildlife authorities or conservation organizations to determine the best approach for snow drift control while minimizing disturbance to wildlife.

Tips and Tricks for Snow Drift Control

To enhance the effectiveness of our DIY snow blower snow fence, consider implementing these tips and tricks for snow drift control. These include positioning the fence correctly, regularly maintaining the fence, and monitoring wind patterns.

Positioning the Fence Correctly

Properly positioning the snow fence is crucial for maximum snow drift control. Position the fence perpendicular to the prevailing winds, as this will redirect the wind and prevent significant snow accumulation. Additionally, consider the layout of the property and any natural or man-made obstructions that may impact snow accumulation when determining the fence placement.

Regularly Maintaining the Fence

Regular maintenance is the key to ensuring the ongoing effectiveness of the snow blower snow fence. Regularly inspect the fence for any damage, loose panels, or signs of wear and tear. Promptly repair or replace any compromised sections to maintain the integrity of the fence. Additionally, remove any snow or debris buildup to prevent blockages and maximize snow drift control capabilities.

Monitoring Wind Patterns

To improve snow drift control, it is essential to monitor wind patterns and adjust the snow fence as needed. Observe how the wind interacts with the fence during different weather conditions and make adjustments accordingly. By staying vigilant and responsive to changing wind patterns, we can optimize the performance of the snow blower snow fence.


Creating a DIY snow blower snow fence is a practical and cost-effective solution for snow drift control. By carefully planning and preparing, building the snow fence with precision, protecting the snow blower, enhancing the snow fence with additional measures, and practicing regular maintenance, we can enjoy the benefits of increased efficiency, reduced snow accumulation, and enhanced safety. Additionally, by considering environmental factors and following safety precautions, we can ensure a sustainable and responsible approach to snow drift control. With the right tools, materials, and knowledge, we can create a DIY snow blower snow fence that effectively manages snow accumulation and improves winter maintenance.