Homemade Snow Blower Skis: Enhance Mobility And Traction

When the winter months roll in and the snow starts piling up, navigating through the slushy terrain can become quite the challenge. That’s where homemade snow blower skis come in. These innovative attachments enhance mobility and traction, helping you conquer the snowy paths with ease. With a touch of creativity and a few simple materials, you can transform your ordinary snow blower into a powerful winter vehicle, gliding effortlessly over the icy sidewalks and driveways. Say goodbye to slipping and sliding – it’s time to take control of winter! Snow blowers are an essential tool for many homeowners during snowy winter months. They help clear driveways, sidewalks, and other areas quickly and efficiently. However, some snow blowers can be difficult to maneuver on uneven surfaces or in slippery conditions. That’s where homemade snow blower skis come in. By attaching skis to your snow blower, you can improve its mobility on uneven surfaces and enhance traction in slippery conditions. In this article, we will explore the benefits of homemade snow blower skis, how to choose the right materials and tools, installation steps, adjustments for optimal performance, maintenance, safety considerations, alternative options, tips and tricks for effective snow blowing, common issues and troubleshooting, and a comparison between homemade and commercial snow blower skis.

Benefits of Homemade Snow Blower Skis

Improved Mobility on Uneven Surfaces

One of the main benefits of homemade snow blower skis is improved mobility on uneven surfaces. Without skis, snow blowers sometimes struggle to maintain stability and maneuverability on bumpy or uneven terrain. However, by attaching skis to the underside of the snow blower, you create a smooth gliding surface that allows the machine to move more easily over uneven terrain. This improved mobility ensures that you can clear snow in a more efficient and effective manner, without getting stuck or losing control.

Enhanced Traction in Slippery Conditions

Another significant benefit of homemade snow blower skis is enhanced traction in slippery conditions. Snow blowers without skis may struggle to maintain traction on icy or slippery surfaces. This can lead to the machine slipping or sliding, making it challenging to clear snow effectively. By attaching skis to your snow blower, you increase the surface area in contact with the ground, which improves traction and stability. This enhanced traction allows you to tackle icy or slippery areas with confidence, enabling you to clear snow more efficiently and safely.

Materials and Tools

To make your homemade snow blower skis, there are a few materials and tools you will need.

Choosing the Right Skis

The first step is choosing the right skis for your snow blower. You can repurpose old downhill skis, cross-country skis, or even water skis. The ideal ski should be sturdy, with a smooth and flat underside. It should also be wide enough to provide the necessary stability and traction. Consider the size and weight of your snow blower when selecting the skis to ensure they are the right fit.

Sizing and Cutting the Skis

Once you’ve chosen the skis, you may need to resize them to fit your snow blower. Measure the width of the snow blower’s housing and mark the skis accordingly. Use a saw or a similar tool to cut the skis to the desired size. It’s essential to ensure the skis are cut evenly to maintain stability and prevent any imbalances.

Hardware Required

To attach the skis to the snow blower, you will need some hardware. This may include brackets, screws, nuts, and washers. The specific hardware required will depend on the design of your snow blower and the skis you are using. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for your snow blower and consider seeking advice from a hardware store if you’re unsure about the appropriate hardware or installation process.

Installation Steps

Now that you’ve gathered the necessary materials and tools, it’s time to install the homemade snow blower skis. Here are the steps to follow:

Preparing the Snow Blower

Before attaching the skis, it’s essential to prepare the snow blower. Start by turning off the machine and ensuring it is on a stable surface. Clear away any snow or debris from the underside of the snow blower to create a clean work area. This will make it easier to attach the skis securely.

Attaching Brackets to the Skis

Next, attach brackets to the skis. Place the brackets a suitable distance apart to correspond with the width of the snow blower’s housing. Align the brackets parallel to the length of the skis and mark the screw hole locations. Use a drill to create the necessary holes, ensuring they are aligned correctly.

Mounting the Skis on the Snow Blower

Once the brackets are securely attached to the skis, you’re ready to mount them on the snow blower. Lift the snow blower and position it over the skis, ensuring the brackets align with the mounting points on the snow blower’s housing. Insert screws through the holes in the brackets and into the mounting points, using nuts and washers to secure them firmly. Tighten the screws until the skis are securely attached to the snow blower.

Adjustments for Optimal Performance

To ensure optimal performance of your homemade snow blower skis, it may be necessary to make some adjustments. Here are a few key adjustments to consider:

Lateral Adjustment

Lateral adjustment refers to aligning the skis correctly to ensure stability and smooth movement. If the skis seem imbalanced or if the snow blower pulls too much to one side, you may need to make a lateral adjustment. Loosen the screws holding the skis in place and shift them slightly to one side or the other, depending on the issue. Tighten the screws after making the adjustment and test the snow blower’s movement.

Height Adjustment

Height adjustment is crucial to maintain the desired clearance between the snow blower and the ground. If the skis are too high, the snow blower may not effectively clear the snow, and if they are too low, the skis may scrape against the ground, causing damage. Adjust the height of the skis by either adding or removing washers and nuts between the brackets and the mounting points. Find the optimal height that allows for adequate snow clearance without sacrificing stability.

Tilt Adjustment

Tilt adjustment involves ensuring the skis are at the correct angle to provide the best traction and stability. If the snow blower tips forward or backward excessively while in use, it may be necessary to adjust the tilt of the skis. Loosen the screws holding the skis in place and raise or lower the front or back of the skis as needed to achieve the desired tilt. Tighten the screws after making the adjustment and test the snow blower’s performance.

Maintenance and Safety Considerations

To keep your homemade snow blower skis in optimal condition and ensure safe operation, consider the following maintenance and safety considerations:

Regular Cleaning and Inspection

After each use, it’s important to clean your snow blower skis thoroughly. Remove any snow, ice, or debris that may have accumulated on the skis, as they can affect the performance and efficiency of the machine. Additionally, inspect the skis for any signs of damage, such as cracks or loose brackets. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure safe operation.

Safety Precautions when Using the Snow Blower Skis

When using a snow blower with skis, it’s essential to take proper safety precautions. Always wear appropriate protective gear, such as goggles, gloves, and sturdy footwear. Avoid wearing loose clothing that could get caught in the machine. Additionally, be cautious of your surroundings and avoid operating the snow blower in close proximity to people, pets, or delicate objects. Familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s safety guidelines and follow them diligently.

Alternative Options to Homemade Snow Blower Skis

While homemade snow blower skis can be a cost-effective and efficient solution, there are alternative options available. Here are two popular alternatives to consider:

Purchasing Pre-made Skis

If you prefer not to make your own snow blower skis, you can purchase pre-made skis specifically designed for snow blowers. These skis are often made from durable materials, with brackets that fit various snow blower models. Pre-made skis may offer specific features or designs that cater to different terrain or snow conditions. However, they may come at a higher cost compared to homemade options.

Using Other Traction Accessories

In addition to skis, there are other traction accessories available for snow blowers. These include tire chains, snow blowers with tracks instead of wheels, or rubber mats that attach to the tires. These accessories can provide additional traction and stability in slippery conditions, allowing you to navigate challenging terrain effectively. However, they may not offer the same level of mobility enhancement as skis.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Snow Blowing

To ensure efficient snow blowing, consider these tips and tricks:

Choosing the Right Snow Blower for Your Needs

Before attaching skis to your snow blower, it’s important to choose the right machine for your needs. Consider the size of the area you need to clear, the type of snow you typically encounter, and your physical capabilities. Different snow blowers come with various features, such as different clearing widths, engine power, and throwing distance. Ensure the snow blower you select suits your specific requirements to maximize efficiency.

Techniques for Efficient Snow Blowing

When using a snow blower with skis, there are techniques you can employ to increase efficiency. Start by blowing snow in the opposite direction of the prevailing wind, if possible. This prevents the wind from blowing the snow back onto areas you’ve already cleared. Additionally, overlap each pass slightly to ensure complete coverage and avoid leaving any snow behind. Clear snow in small, manageable sections to reduce strain and optimize performance.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Despite the benefits and proper installation, you may encounter some common issues when using homemade snow blower skis. Here are a few potential issues and troubleshooting tips:

Snow Accumulation on the Skis

One common issue is snow accumulation on the skis, which can affect performance and cause imbalance. To prevent snow buildup, consider applying a non-stick spray or silicone lubricant to the skis before use. This reduces the snow’s adhesion and allows it to slide off more easily. Regularly clearing snow from the skis during use can also help prevent excessive accumulation and maintain optimal performance.

Skis Bogging Down in Heavy Snow

If your skis bog down or struggle to move in heavy or densely packed snow, try adjusting the height and tilt of the skis. Lowering the skis slightly can provide more downward pressure and improve traction in challenging snow conditions. Additionally, clearing smaller sections of snow at a time and using a slower speed can help prevent the skis from getting overwhelmed and increase their effectiveness.

Skis Getting Damaged During Use

Sometimes, the skis may get damaged during use, especially if you encounter hidden obstacles, such as rocks or curbs, beneath the snow. Inspect the skis regularly for any signs of damage, such as cracks or excessive wear. If you notice any issues, address them promptly by repairing or replacing the damaged components. Taking care to avoid hidden obstacles or adjusting the tilt of the skis may help prevent future damage.

Comparing Homemade and Commercial Snow Blower Skis

To decide whether homemade or commercial snow blower skis are the right choice for you, consider the following factors:


One significant advantage of homemade snow blower skis is their cost-efficiency. By repurposing old skis or using affordable materials, you can create skis at a fraction of the cost of commercial options. This makes homemade skis an attractive choice for those on a budget or looking to save money.


Homemade snow blower skis offer the advantage of customization. You can tailor the design and dimensions of the skis to fit your specific snow blower and personal preferences. This allows for greater control over the performance and adaptability of the skis to different terrain or snow conditions.

Durability and Performance

Commercial snow blower skis are often designed with durability and performance in mind. They are made from high-quality materials and may offer additional features, such as adjustable heights or specialized designs for optimal performance. However, the durability and performance of homemade skis can vary depending on the materials used and the installation process.


Homemade snow blower skis offer numerous benefits, including improved mobility on uneven surfaces and enhanced traction in slippery conditions. By choosing the right materials, sizing and cutting the skis appropriately, and following the installation steps, you can attach skis to your snow blower easily. Making adjustments for optimal performance, conducting regular maintenance, and practicing safety precautions are essential for the safe and efficient operation of your snow blower skis. While purchasing pre-made skis or using other traction accessories are alternative options, homemade skis offer cost-efficiency and customizability. By considering the right snow blower for your needs, employing techniques for efficient snow blowing, and troubleshooting common issues, you can make the most of your homemade snow blower skis. Exploring further experimentation and improvement can lead to even more innovative and effective snow blowing solutions. So, get creative, enhance your snow blower’s mobility and traction with homemade skis, and enjoy the benefits of a smoother and safer snow clearing experience.