How Can I Prevent Clogs In My Snow Blower’s Chute?

Snow blowers are a lifesaver during the winter months, but dealing with clogs in the chute can quickly turn your snow-clearing session into a frustrating ordeal. Nobody wants to be stuck in the cold, chipping away at stubborn clumps of snow, right? So, if you’re wondering how to keep those clogs at bay, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll discuss some simple yet effective tips to help you prevent clogs and keep your snow blower running smoothly throughout the snowy season.

Understanding Snow Blower Chute Clogs

What causes clogs in a snow blower’s chute?

Clogs in a snow blower’s chute can occur due to various reasons. One common cause is the buildup of wet, heavy snow inside the chute. This can happen if the snow blower is not able to handle the weight and consistency of the snow. Another cause of clogs is the presence of debris in the chute, such as rocks, branches, or other objects. These obstructions can block the flow of snow through the chute and lead to clogs. Additionally, if the chute is damaged or worn, it may become prone to clogging as the snow gets stuck on the rough or uneven surfaces.

Why is it important to prevent clogs in the chute?

Preventing clogs in the snow blower’s chute is crucial for maintaining its efficiency and performance. When the chute becomes clogged, the snow blower is unable to throw the snow effectively, leading to reduced throwing distance and potentially causing snow to accumulate in unwanted areas. Moreover, clogs can put extra strain on the snow blower’s engine and other components, increasing the risk of damage and breakdowns. By taking the necessary steps to prevent clogs in the chute, you can ensure that your snow blower operates smoothly and safely throughout the winter season.

Regular Maintenance and Cleaning

Inspect the chute regularly

To prevent clogs in your snow blower’s chute, it is essential to regularly inspect the chute for any signs of damage, wear, or debris accumulation. Look for any cracks, dents, or rough surfaces that can hinder the flow of snow. Additionally, check for any loose or missing bolts or screws that may impact the chute’s stability. Regular inspections can help you identify potential issues early on and address them before they lead to clogs in the chute.

Remove any debris or obstructions

Before each use, take the time to remove any debris or obstructions that may have entered the chute. This can include rocks, branches, leaves, or any other objects that can impede the snowblower’s performance. Use a brush or gloved hand to carefully clear out these obstructions, ensuring that the chute is free from any blockages. By keeping the chute clean and clear, you can minimize the risk of clogs during operation.

Check for damaged or worn parts

Inspect the chute and its components for any signs of damage or wear. Look for bent or misaligned parts, as these can disrupt the flow of snow and contribute to clogs. Additionally, check the chute’s blades or augers for any signs of dullness or damage, as these can affect the snow blower’s ability to throw the snow efficiently. If you notice any issues, consider replacing or repairing the damaged or worn parts to maintain optimal performance.

Apply lubrication to the chute

Applying lubrication to the chute periodically can help reduce the chances of clogs. Use a suitable lubricant, such as silicone spray or a non-stick coating, and apply it to the inside of the chute. This will create a slippery surface that snow is less likely to stick to, making it easier for the snow blower to expel the snow without clogging. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on the type and frequency of lubrication to ensure optimal results.

Proper Operation Techniques

Adjust the chute angle correctly

When operating your snow blower, it is crucial to adjust the chute angle correctly. The chute should be positioned at an angle that allows the snow to be thrown in the desired direction without obstruction. Avoid pointing the chute too high or too low, as this can cause the snow to back up in the chute and lead to clogs. Adjust the chute to a position that allows for efficient and smooth snow throwing.

Avoid overloading the snow blower

To prevent clogs in the chute, it is essential to avoid overloading the snow blower with excessive amounts of snow. When clearing snow, work in small sections and take your time to ensure that the snow blower can handle the load. Trying to clear too much snow at once can overwhelm the machine and increase the likelihood of clogs. Be mindful of the snow blower’s capacity and work within its limitations to maintain optimal performance.

Clear the chute after each use

After each use, remember to clear any remaining snow from the chute. This can be done by running the snow blower briefly without the engine running, allowing any snow stuck in the chute to be expelled. Use a brush or gloved hand to remove any remaining snow or ice, making sure that the chute is completely clear before storing the snow blower. By clearing the chute after each use, you can prevent any residual snow from hardening and causing clogs in future operations.

Choosing the Right Snow Conditions

Avoid wet and heavy snow

When using your snow blower, it is best to avoid clearing wet and heavy snow whenever possible. Wet snow is more likely to stick to the chute and other components, increasing the chances of clogs. If you encounter wet snow, consider waiting for it to dry out slightly or using a shovel to remove the bulk of the snow before using the snow blower. By avoiding wet and heavy snow, you can minimize the risk of clogs and ensure smooth operation of the machine.

Wait for fresh snowfall

Freshly fallen snow is generally lighter and easier to clear compared to snow that has been sitting for a while. If possible, wait for fresh snowfall to clear your driveway or paths. The lighter consistency of fresh snow reduces the likelihood of clogs in the chute and allows the snow blower to throw the snow more effectively. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and plan your snow clearing accordingly to take advantage of optimal snow conditions.

Avoid icy or packed snow

Icy or packed snow can pose challenges when it comes to preventing clogs in the chute. The hardness and density of icy or packed snow can cause it to become lodged in the chute, leading to clogs and reduced performance. If you encounter icy or packed snow, consider using a shovel or other manual means to loosen and break up the snow before using the snow blower. By breaking up the snow, you can help prevent clogs and make the clearing process easier for the snow blower.

Utilizing Safe Snow Blowing Practices

Clear the area of any potential obstructions

Before operating your snow blower, it is important to clear the area of any potential obstructions that can cause clogs or pose a safety risk. Remove any rocks, branches, toys, or other objects that may be hidden in the snow. These objects can get caught in the chute or be thrown by the snow blower, causing damage to the machine or injury to yourself or others. Take the time to clear the area thoroughly before starting the snow blower to ensure safe and efficient operation.

Avoid blowing snow against the wind

When using a snow blower, it is best to avoid blowing snow against the wind whenever possible. Blowing snow against the wind can cause the snow to be blown back into the chute, leading to clogs and reduced throwing distance. Instead, position yourself and the snow blower in a way that allows the snow to be directed with the wind, ensuring that the snow is expelled smoothly and without interruption. By working with the wind, you can minimize the chances of clogs in the chute.

Be cautious of bystanders and nearby objects

When operating a snow blower, it is essential to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to avoid accidents or damage. Be mindful of bystanders, especially children or pets, who may be near the snow clearing area. Ensure that they are at a safe distance and can be seen at all times. Additionally, be cautious of nearby objects such as vehicles, fences, or structures that can be damaged by the snow blower’s throwing action. By exercising caution and being aware of your surroundings, you can minimize the risk of accidents or property damage.

Applying Snow Blower Accessories

Install a snow blower impeller kit

An impeller kit is an accessory that can help improve the throwing distance and reduce clogs in the chute. The impeller is responsible for expelling the snow from the chute, and a kit can replace the stock impeller with a more efficient design. This modification can enhance the snow blower’s performance and reduce the chances of clogs. Consider installing a snow blower impeller kit if you frequently encounter heavy or wet snow that tends to clog the chute.

Use a high-quality snow blower cover

When not in use, it is important to protect your snow blower from the elements. Exposure to rain, snow, and cold temperatures can lead to rust, damage, and deterioration of the machine. Using a high-quality snow blower cover can help protect the snow blower from these risks and extend its lifespan. A cover ensures that the chute remains free from moisture, reducing the chances of clogs caused by dampness or rust. Invest in a cover that fits your snow blower properly and provides adequate protection.

Consider adding a snow chute extender

A snow chute extender is an accessory that can help improve the snow blower’s throwing distance and reduce the chances of clogs. The extender attaches to the existing chute and directs the expelled snow further away from the machine, reducing the likelihood of it getting caught or falling back into the chute. This accessory is particularly useful when clearing large areas or when the snow blower’s throwing distance is not sufficient. Explore the option of adding a snow chute extender to enhance your snow clearing capabilities.

Dealing with Emergency Clogs

Never use your hands to clear a clog

If you encounter a clog in the chute while operating the snow blower, it is important to never attempt to clear it by hand. The blades and augers inside the chute can cause serious injury if they come into contact with your hands. Instead, use a tool specifically designed for clearing snow blower clogs. There are various options available, such as a clog-clearing tool or a broomstick, that can safely remove the obstruction without risking injury.

Use a tool to remove the clog

When faced with a clog, use a suitable tool to clear the obstruction from the chute. Insert the tool through the chute and carefully dislodge the clog by applying gentle pressure. Avoid using excessive force, as this can damage the chute or other components of the snow blower. Work slowly and methodically to ensure that the clog is completely cleared before resuming operation. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for clog removal to prevent damage to the snow blower.

Turn off the snow blower and disconnect the spark plug if necessary

In some cases, an emergency clog may be more severe, requiring additional steps to resolve the issue. If you are unable to clear the clog using a tool, turn off the snow blower immediately and disconnect the spark plug. This will prevent any accidental startup while you work on removing the clog manually. Take the necessary precautions to ensure your safety, and if needed, consult a professional for assistance to avoid causing further damage to the snow blower.

Consulting the Manufacturer’s Manual

Follow the recommended maintenance schedule

To prevent clogs in the chute and maintain the overall performance of your snow blower, it is essential to follow the recommended maintenance schedule provided by the manufacturer. The manual will outline the necessary maintenance tasks, such as oil changes, belt inspections, and auger adjustments, that should be performed regularly. By adhering to the maintenance schedule, you can identify and address any potential issues before they lead to clogs or other problems.

Refer to the manual for troubleshooting tips

If you encounter any issues or difficulties with your snow blower, consult the manufacturer’s manual for troubleshooting tips. The manual will provide guidance on identifying and resolving common problems that can contribute to clogs in the chute. Follow the step-by-step instructions and recommended solutions to address the issue effectively. In case the troubleshooting tips do not resolve the problem or if you are unsure of how to proceed, consider contacting a certified technician for further assistance.

Seeking Professional Help

Contact a certified technician

If you are experiencing persistent clogs in your snow blower’s chute despite following the recommended maintenance and preventive measures, it may be time to seek professional help. Contact a certified technician who specializes in snow blower repair and maintenance. They have the expertise and knowledge to diagnose and resolve any underlying issues that may be causing the clogs. A professional technician can also provide guidance on optimizing the performance of your snow blower and offer valuable advice on preventive measures.

Consider professional snow blower maintenance services

In addition to seeking help for specific issues, it is also beneficial to consider professional snow blower maintenance services. These services often include comprehensive inspections, cleaning, lubrication, and adjustment of key components to ensure optimal performance. Professional technicians have the tools and expertise to identify potential problems and proactively address them, reducing the chances of clogs in the chute. By investing in professional maintenance, you can prolong the lifespan of your snow blower and ensure its reliability throughout the winter season.


Preventing clogs in your snow blower’s chute is crucial for maintaining its efficiency and performance. By understanding the causes of clogs, implementing regular maintenance and cleaning routines, operating the snow blower correctly, and choosing the right snow conditions, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of clogs and ensure smooth snow clearing. Additionally, applying appropriate accessories, utilizing safe snow blowing practices, and knowing how to deal with emergency clogs are essential skills to keep your snow blower operating effectively. Remember to consult the manufacturer’s manual for guidance and seek professional help when needed. By following these tips and taking proactive measures, you can enjoy hassle-free snow clearing and extend the lifespan of your snow blower.